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#SockCast040 – Ibzy, Creator of Duck Race Sock Cop's Sock Cast

Sock talks to indie video game developer Ibzy about his amazing Twitch integrated game Duck Race! The English Gentleman Ibzy shares how he got started with game development, and eventually scored a sponsorship with a the energy drink company Wraith. He also shares some excellent tips for those of you who need motivation to get started on that project you've been putting off! PLUS! Sock and his co-host discuss pizza toast recipes! Check out Duck Race HERE!
  1. #SockCast040 – Ibzy, Creator of Duck Race
  2. #SockCast039 – Hunter Wulff (@WulffIsTheName)
  3. #SockCast038 – Jay Allen (SLACKCiRCUS)
  4. #SockCast037 – Nephew Dookie
  5. #SockCast036 – Rusty Sarhan